Member Achieves Goals with PT Sarah Shaw
Jen moved to Malvern in 2010 and joined Malvern Active in July. She had been a plodding swimmer for a few years and used a home treadmill for a bit of running. She had never used a gym until joining us here at Malvern Active. As Jen was using the treadmill regularly, Sarah encouraged Jen to challenge herself to a half marathon - something she had never considered doing.
So, Jen signed up for the Worcester half marathon in April 2013 having never run on the road, but that was no issue as she managed to complete it in two hours - from that moment was hooked! This led Jen to sign up to a full marathon, which was a huge leap of faith and step forward. Having signed up knowing it was her 60th year, Jen looked for help from Sarah and attended Sarah's fit ball classes on a weekly basis.
Utilising Sarah’s knowledge and expertise, Jen had personal training on a weekly basis to get mentally and physically ready for the challenge.
Sarah set Jen weekly running mileage targets that gradually increased mile by mile. Sarah also introduced weights and core strengthening exercises and explained the benefits of a strong core. With Sarah's encouragement and support throughout training, Jen was ready for the start line and completed the marathon in 4 hours 30minutes.
After such a successful first marathon, Jen sought another new challenge and opted for the Walt Disney World Marathon in January 2015. Again, with Sarah’s encouragement and expertise she completed it in 4hours 21minutes and with this time, Jen was able to enter the London Marathon with a good time for age result. Jen has consistently managed to obtain good time for age entrance to London for the past four years and will hopefully complete her fifth in 2020.
"The weight training and advice given to me by Sarah has also given me an extra bonus. I had to have three yearly bone check-ups after being diagnosed with osteopenia. The results from my last check after my marathon showed my bone density had returned to the normal zone and no further check-ups are needed... RESULT"
We are so proud of Jen and wish you all the best for your next marathon!