High intensity circuit training, using a wide range of equipment designed for maximum calorie burn.

  • Kettlebell
  • Lean & Mean at Malvern Active
  • Our personal trainer Sarah Shaw

Our Boot Camp exercise class is designed for maximum calorie burn.

We want to get you fit, get you healthy, challenge your mind, challenge your body, and most importantly MAKE FITNESS FUN!

We use a wide range of gym equipment including battle ropes, kettlebells, core bags, plyometric boxes, slam balls, dumbbells and more…

Boot Camps are fun and energetic classes designed to target all major muscle groups. All aspects of fitness are covered in this high energy, high impact session. Bootcamp offers a fantastic variety of exercises and also a wide range of differing equipment making it suitable for all. Each class is led by a fully qualified instructor, making it safe and keeping you motivated at all times.

Health Benefits: Boot Camp is great for mental health as well as improving aerobic endurance and muscle toning. 


Monday at 6.10pm with Dave

Wednesday at 6:45am with Emma

Friday at 6.10pm with Sam

Location: Sports Hall


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