Improve your suppleness and flexibility, reduce stress and keep fit
We offer different types of Yoga classes at Malvern Active. Read more about each of them below to see what will be most beneficial to you.
Classes with Miranda: Monday at 18:10 | Tuesday at 9:45 |
The mindful approach of yoga helps to ensure that stretching is done safely, allowing the nervous system to release the muscles into gentle, effective stretches. This reduces the risk of injuring ligaments and tendons, which can occur through more aggressive approaches to flexibility training.
Classes with Peter/Prabhakara: Tuesday at 20.15
A yoga class with an emphasis on accuracy of alignment to strengthen muscles and connective tissue, soften the organic body and soothe the nervous system.
I really like the Spin classes with Sarah and Tim - one's up and down fun, loud music/loud shouting and the other is more relaxed, and all about getting your breathing under control. I became a member of Malvern Active to help my mental health, but actually my body feels so much better. I've never been happier!
Always great to come back and use @MalvernActive facilities. Amazing to think it was ten years ago that I used to train in the old pool!