• Boxercise at Malvern Active
  • Lean & Mean Class at Malvern Active
  • Tone and Flex Class at Malvern Active

Welcome to Malvern Active Classes

Classes are open to members and the general public, with bookings made online/via the Malvern Active app

If you like to have fun, socialise, relax, dance, cycle, step, stretch, shape or tone, our Group Exercise Class timetable has a range of exciting classes all designed to suit a variety of ages and fitness levels.



Members: Free of Charge (£6.00 non attendance fee / late cancellation fee if less than 3 hours notice and you cause other members to not be able to attend the class i.e if there is a waitlist.)

Non Members: £8.00 (payment required at time of booking and non transferable)


Exercise Class Timetable

Please note that all classes MUST BE PRE-BOOKED.  

Day Time Class Instructor     Location
06:45 MyRide Indoor Cycling Virtual Studio
18:10 Yoga Miranda Studio
18:10 Boot Camp David Sports Hall*
19:15 HITT Molly Studio
Tuesday 10:00 Yoga Miranda Studio
12:30 Indoor Cycling David Studio
18:15 Body Blast Vikki Studio
19.15 Fitness Pilates Vikki Studio
20.15 Yoga Peter Studio
Wednesday 06.45 Boot Camp Emma Sports Hall*
07:00 MyRide Indoor Cycling Virtual Studio
08:00 Yoga Peter Studio
12:30 Pilates Fiona Studio
13:15 Pilates Fiona Studio
18:15 Indoor Cycling Sarah Studio
19:15 Core, Posture & Flexibility (CPF) Sarah Studio
Thursday 9:45 Yoga Miranda Studio
13:00 Matt Pilates Louise Studio
18:30 Cardio Pilates Louise Studio
19.30 Yin Yoga Louise Studio
Friday 06:30 MyRide Indoor Cycling Virtual Studio
07.45 ChiChi Fit Nicky Studio
09.30 Body Blast Vikki Studio
11:10 Pilates Alexandra Studio
12.45 Pilates Fiona Studio
18:10 Boot Camp Sam Sports Hall*

*Classes may be outdoors in the warmer months.

  • Spinning at Malvern Active

    Indoor Cycling

    All fitness levels can work together in this motivating calorie-burning class.

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  • yoga at Malvern Active


    Classes designed to reduce stress, improve suppleness, flexibility and overall fitness.

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  • body blast at Malvern Active

    Body Blast

    A whole-body focused conditioning class using simple, effective exercises.

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  • yoga at Malvern Active


    Mat-based group exercise class improving strength and muscle tone in core, buttocks, thighs, arms, shoulders and back.

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  • kettlebell weights at Malvern Active

    Boot Camp

    Whether you know it as Boot Camp or Circuit Training, this exercise class is designed for MAXIMUM calorie burn.

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  • ChiChi Fit

    Broadway meets boot camp! Feel energised and accomplished as Nicky coaches you through high-intensity routines to music.


  • CPF (Core, Posture & Flexibility)

    This remedial exercise combines Yoga, Pilates and science to improve performance and reduce the risk of injury.


  • Strength & Conditioning

    Eight week course in our Strength & Conditioning Suite, open to Members and non-Members alike.

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  • MyRide Indoor Cycling

    Experience the thrill of outdoor cycling, minus the traffic or unpredictable British weather, with Malvern Active’s cutting-edge indoor cycling.